Global Wax PCS8 Premium Coco-Soy Wax 5Kg

  • $0.00

Description: Global Wax PCS8 Premium Coco-Soy blend wax is a premium blend of natural coconut and soy wax specifically formulated for optimum use in container candles. The addition of soy wax gives excellent scent throw combined with the slow, even burn of coconut wax, making it an ideal option for both beginners and experienced...

Description: Global Wax PCS8 Premium Coco-Soy blend wax is a premium blend of natural coconut and soy wax specifically formulated for optimum use in container candles. The addition of soy wax gives excellent scent throw combined with the slow, even burn of coconut wax, making it an ideal option for both beginners and experienced candle makers. Designed with high performing glass adhesion, smooth single pour, a characteristically soft texture and bright white colour, our Coconut Soy Wax Blend is the perfect option for clear and transparent vessels. 

The finish you get with this wax is a beautiful creamy smooth top, with a beautiful hot and cold scent throw.

Our PCS8

  • A high fragrance load (7-10%)
  • Beautiful creamy finish
  • Amazing vessel adhesion

Melting Point: 48°C 
Heating Range: 65°C - 75°C
Pouring Temperature: 50°C - 65°C
Max Fragrance Load: 7-10%

Please Note: Personal testing is required to achieve optimal fragrance ratio and pour temperatures are required for a flawless candle.

Package Details:


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